The Origin Comes Alive
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The Origin Comes Alive


The Origin Comes Alive

by Cale Rainer
Paperback $12.99 USD
 eBook  $3.99 USD
words 40,480
 pages 232 

This book covers a very unique subject and should be required reading by everyone! The FULL EDITION is now available through online bookstores worldwide, to include: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Kobo and many others. It is available in both Paperback and eBook formats for Kindle and ePub readers. The SAMPLE EDITION is not available at this time.

Qualifying Professionals such as, Teachers, Pastors, Publishers and Journalists may now order one copy of the FULL EDITION: To get your complimentary copy inquire here  - state your name, position, professional title, and what organization you represent. If we feel you qualify, we will contact you about getting your copy.

OUR PROMOTION for the FULL EDITION is currently CLOSED  and will remain so until future notice.  You can get the eBook version via this website in formats viewable on computer and most tablets and phones. It is offered FREE but may be limited to the first 25 requests during the Promotional-Period.

The Origin Comes Alive
is the Full-Edition of this work. It has been written primarily to help children, as well as the rest of us recall the memory of our origin.

This LT-Version was a short introduction of The Origin Comes Alive excluding many technical notes.

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